what is a phase 1 habitat survey and why do i need one? can it identify japanese knotweed?

Phase 1 Habitat Survey

You would use a A Phase 1 Habitat Survey to classify and map different wildlife habitats. As well as this, it’s identifying any flora and fauna that are currently located on a site. This is mostly done for rural, semi-urban and urban areas. Moreover, a Phase 1 survey is generally completed at the very early stages of a planning proposal. Depending on the outcome, your surveyor or consultant may recommend a further survey. Or, use the Phase 1 as part of the impact assessment for your development.

Japanese Knotweed Removal

Presented as a map of the development area, a Phase 1 survey will be colour coded depending on the type of vegetation and the habitat this can create for wildlife. Also, we will include any additional notes regarding points of interest or specific plants. Also we will include, any suspected Japanese knotweed here, but please be aware that it may be listed as a group (for example, knotweed type species or bamboo type species).

Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey

If you require more information, we can complete an extended Phase 1 survey. This will refer specifically to the proposed development and the impact it will have on the habitat, along with more detailed information. For example, a detailed plant list. In this plant list, we will identify if there is any invasive weeds such as Japanese knotweed or Himalayan Balsam. However, if we identify any invasive weeds, we would recommend that you arrange for a Japanese knotweed specialist to attend site. Japanese knotweed is sometimes misidentified and a trained surveyor attending site will give you peace of mind and the knowledge as to whether the plant is knotweed.

Himalayan Balsam
Phase 1 Habitat Survey

Ideally, the Phase 1 survey should be the first survey you conduct. This is as the information you gain is used to inform other surveys and the planning of your development. If we identify any knotweed, or any other suspect weeds, we can remove it well in advance of any construction work beginning due to the early identification.

free online identification

Don't spend money that you don't have to. Send us some photos of the suspected Japanese knotweed, and we will identify the plant for you, let us put your mind at ease.

Japanese knotweed and Planning Offices

In summary, please check with your local planning office, as smaller developments may not require a dedicated phase 1 survey.  Due to the invasive and damaging nature of Japanese knotweed, we would recommend completing a Japanese knotweed site survey ahead of the start of any development.

Here at Japanese Knotweed Expert, we are able to identify any knotweed as well as offering treatment plans and removal services. So, should your phase 1 survey identify Japanese knotweed, please do get in touch.

Herbicidal Knotweed Treatment

Report provided within 48 hours

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Japanese Knotweed Expert