what is a p35 expert report?
A P35 Expert Report is a legal document which is produced in court. It includes all of the information about your particular case of Japanese Knotweed. You would normally need a P35 Expert Report when Japanese Knotweed has crossed a boundary or has caused some liability for one of the parties. This would include a neighbouring property being devalued due to the Japanese knotweed being present on a neighbouring property.
This, therefore, might mean that to take your case to court, you need expert documents to prove liability. All of our P35 Expert Reports are PCA compliant and in accordance with PD 35 and CPR 35 regulations. This ensures that we provide the most accurate and helpful information in your court case.
We work in conjunction with solicitors all over the country to ensure that their clients are provided with an accurate and impartial account of any Japanese Knotweed problems.