russian vine

(Fallopia baldschuanica)

Russian Vine

Russian vine is another non-native invasive plant, meaning it out-competes crowds out beneficial native plants that have been naturally growing for many years.
Russian Vine is also known as Fallopia baldschuanica is an Asian species of flowering plant very similar to Japanese knotweed, with it being in the same Fallopia family of plants. It flowers in August and September and these flowers are also small and white, which is like Japanese Knotweed.


Common Elder
japanese knotweed law and legislation

Russian Vine is also fast-growing and will choke anything that is growing in its path, meaning it will overtake your garden at an alarming rate.



However, the leaves of the Russian Vine differ to Japanese Knotweed, as the leaves are pointed nearly triangular, compared to the heart-shaped leaves of knotweed, which can grow up to lengths of about 10 centimetres.



If you require further clarification on identification, then please don’t hesitate to contact one of our friendly experts on 01782 479444.

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Part 35 Report

What Your Legal Rights Are

Have you found Japanese knotweed on your property? Not sure if you are able to make a claim? Who is legally responsible?

Japanese Knotweed Removal

Identifying Japanese knotweed

If you need help identifying Japanese knotweed, you first must know that it will look different depending on the current season.

Japanese Knotweed Herbicide

Residential Removal Options

See what treatment options are available for residential properties.

Planning Permission

What to do if Your Neighbour Has Japanese Knotweed?

If you think that your neighbour has Japanese knotweed, and may potential spread to your garden, here is a step-by-step guide for tips on what to do next.

Removal of Japanese Knotweed using Combined Treatment Method

Frequently Asked Questions

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Identifying Japanese Knotweed


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