Removal of Japanese Knotweed in Whiston

As a Japanese Knotweed expert, we carry out removal of Japanese Knotweed in Whiston and throughout Merseyside. Japanese Knotweed is an ongoing problem throughout the country causing problems wherever it grows!


This invasive weed grows rapidly growing up to 1.2 metres every month, during the growing season. Its foliage can quickly take over your garden, choking other plants. Whereas its roots or rhizomes can spread out several metres breaking through drains, concrete, and walls. This can cause extensive problems especially if it damages the foundations of a building.


Therefore, it is vital that the removal of Japanese Knotweed in Whiston is carried out. Although, as the Knowsley council says, “you are not legally obliged to remove Japanese Knotweed from your land”. We highly recommend that you do to avoid it causing damage to your property.


We also recommend the removal of this invasive weed is carried out because if Japanese Knotweed spreads onto a neighbouring property then you could be prosecuted! This causes numerous additional problems and can lead to court cases.

Contact us today to arrange your site survey and management plan to eradicate Japanese Knotweed!


As a Japanese Knotweed Expert, we have all the knowledge and experience to carry out the removal of this nuisance plant! We have been treating Japanese Knotweed for over 18 years’ now, so you can have the confidence in us to completely remove it from your property. There are several treatment options that we can carry out, these include:


  • Herbicide Treatment
  • Excavation and Removal
  • Permanent Burial
  • Combined Treatment Method

To learn more about each of these methods, click here.

Removal of Japanese Knotweed in Whiston

Contact us today on 0800 1337 444! Our friendly knowledgeable office team will be able to give you advice or arrange a site survey. Alternatively, if you believe you have Japanese Knotweed growing on your site why not take advantage of our free photograph identification service by clicking here.

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Japanese Knotweed Expert