Japanese Knotweed Vs Property...

Japanese knotweed is known for causing damage to properties, but just how much?

Property Damage

The advise to Landlords is to familiarise themselves with the dangers of the troublesome weed. Japanese Knotweed affects around 5% of all properties in the UK. It has the potential to cause structural damage to buildings and walls. This means around 1,250,000 properties are currently affected by Japanese Knotweed!

There is an estimate that Japanese Knotweed is responsible for £170m worth of property repairs every year. The plant is that harmful it can cause damage to concrete, tarmac and even river banks. Its roots can grow up to three metres in depth and by seven metres in direction. The is no 6-mile stretch exempt from the weed. If you own a property, whether it be residential or commercial, it is worth having a site survey just to ensure that your property is safe from possible damage.

Selling a House with Japanese Knotweed
Removal Solutions For Japanese Knotweed

Spotting the Weed

Initial signs that Japanese Knotweed could be present in your garden will take the form of red and purple shoots, often shooting up in the spring. These are accompanied by rolled back leaves, which often spread and grow at a quick pace, up to 10cm a day in the summer.

In the winter, the weed does not die, it remains dormant and has brown stems which are hollow. To see more examples of the notorious weed click here.

Contact Us Today!

It is imperative to have a survey completed as soon as you discover it. We offer a free initial detection service where our expert will offer free identification of on a picture of the suspected plant. You will get a response to the email within 24 working hours. For more information email one of our client managers at [email protected] and they will be able to answer any queries you may have.

Report provided within 48 hours

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Japanese Knotweed Expert