Spring is the easiest and most affordable time of the year to treat Japanese knotweed. It is crucial that you know what signs to look out for to save you money.


If they haven’t already, Japanese knotweed stems will soon begin sprouting, after lying dormant through the winter. Unfortunately, due to changing temperatures. Not only are we seeing a rise in the amounts of Japanese knotweed. Also, we are witnessing sprouting occurring earlier every year.


Identification in the early months of spring can be difficult. However,  a professional will be able to let you know if you have Japanese knotweed within one site visit.

Japanese Knotweed During Early Spring

identifying japanese knotweed in spring

Japanese knotweed can grow 2cm a day. It will develop from red/purple shoots to fleshy green asparagus-like stems of 1 to 4cm, into dense stands of bamboo-like stalks closer by the summer which can reach heights of 3m, growing upwards of 70cm every week.

The flowers of Japanese knotweed won’t emerge until late summer. This is why it is so important to know what Japanese knotweed looks like through all stages. Do not just look for the large green heart shaped leaves, but for the stems. Which, to ensure early identification and treatment.

Even after the leaves develop over the summer months, Japanese knotweed spreads predominantly underground. In which, the rhizomes (roots) can spread to 7m outwards and 3m deep. These rhizomes can lie dormant, but alive, through the winter. Also, rhizomes are the reason Japanese knotweed can cause so much damage to your property.

The fierce spread of Japanese knotweed means that there are more and more cases every year. However, there is good news! – Long term damage is avoidable, if you look out for the signs and organise treatment straight away.

Japanese Knotweed Treatment Options

Get Rid Of Japanese Knotweed

If you notice anything in your garden that appears to be Japanese knotweed, it is crucial that you contact an expert surveyor and arrange a site visit as soon as possible.

We offer a range of treatment options including:

. Herbicide Treatment

. Excavation 

. Burial 

Alternatively, send a photo of the plant that you are worried about to [email protected] and we will identify if you have Japanese knotweed within an hour.

Report provided within 48 hours

Book your site survey today

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Japanese Knotweed Expert