Japanese knotweed in London

Japanese Knotweed in Wigan

Japanese knotweed in Wigan

The growth of Japanese Knotweed in Wigan is a major problem. The Environmental Agency has named Japanese Knotweed as “the UK’s most aggressive and destructive invasive plant.” Yet less than 3% of people can accurately identify the plant, which may be growing in their rear garden.

Japanese Knotweed in London

Japanese Knotweed in Wigan

Japanese Knotweed was originally brought to the UK by the Victorians, as an ornamental plant. They believed it could strengthen structures! But little did they know that the weed is more commonly known for quite the opposite.

If you have Japanese Knotweed in Wigan or the surrounding area. Then, we can carry out the treatment and removal with a 100% success rate. Japanese Knotweed Expert are qualified to survey and treat Japanese Knotweed and offer a number of treatment options available, please see our ‘Treatment Services’ for further details.

Included In The Site Survey Report

Site plan including photos of infected areas.

Management Plan.

Risk assessments including biological, health & safety and financial.

Inspection of the surrounding areas.


Possible impacts to future treatments.

Recommended treatment options.

Quote outlining treatment costs.

Potential immediate risks to property or the environment.

The cost for a Site Survey & Report starts at £260 + VAT. Once your site survey has been completed your full report, including your management plan, will be sent within 48 hours. 

Herbicide treatments are our most popular choice of treatments, specifically amongst our residential clients.

The best time to spay the Japanese knotweed is when the plant is actively growing. This is as the herbicide we use is a systemic translocating herbicide. The herbicide treatment is most efficient on a warm day. We use various chemicals to treat Japanese knotweed, one is signnificantly stronger than what is available to the general public and one is not available to the public in any form.

If you have Japanese Knotweed in Wigan growing on your land, give us a call on 0207 0431 344 to arrange for your site survey and management plan now! Alternatively complete our online contact form and one of our friendly office members will contact you.

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Teagan Heath