Have you been thinking ‘I have bamboo in my garden?’ Bamboo is one of the most common garden plants – it has a distinctive look, is fast growing and is relatively low maintenance. However, the quick growth of bamboo, as well as the pattern the roots grow in to, can cause damage to patios, driveways, fence lines and other plants in both your own and your neighbours’ gardens. The bamboo may not necessarily need treatment or excavation, if it is kept cut back to a relatively small size, but if you are planning on removing it you will need to proceed with caution.

I Have Bamboo In My Garden- What Now?

Bamboo can fall in to two categories (based on the root growth pattern) – clumping and running bamboo. Clumping bamboo tends to grow to be thicker and, should you wish for it to be removed, the entire root ball would need to be removed. We recommend excavating this type of bamboo carefully to ensure this has been completely removed.
Running bamboo has a root pattern that spreads out widely and is more likely to cause structural damage to anything located in the surrounding area. The roots from this bamboo are also more likely to cross boundaries. To remove this, we would recommend either a more thorough excavation or chemical treatment to eradicate the plant entirely.

If you are concerned about the bamboo located on your property, please do contact us. As well as knotweed, we have extensive experience treating and excavating both clumping and running bamboo. We can also complete bamboo site surveys to examine whether the bamboo on site may have caused damage to any of the surrounding features.