getting rid of Japanese Knotweed in tunstall

Japanese Knotweed has caused many issues for homeowners in Tunstall. One main issue is when they come to sell their home, mortgage lenders refuse funds against properties that have Knotweed growing on them. Another issue is the speed at which it spread and the damage it can cause, as you can see from the image Japanese Knotweed has overtaken this greenhouse. What can you do if you have Japanese Knotweed growing on your land? Is getting rid of Japanese Knotweed in Tunstall possible?


We would recommend a site survey to be put into place originally, to ensure that we have details of the Japanese Knotweed growing on your land. Mortgage lenders also refuse to allow funds against a property that has Japanese Knotweed growing on due to the structural dangers it can present, this survey will elaborate on the details they require when deciding if a mortgage is viable.


Following this, if it is apparent you have Japanese Knotweed growing on your grounds, we would recommend a management plan to be put into place which would outline which course of treatment we would take, alongside a full risk assessment and a breakdown of all costs involved to yourself.

Japanese Knotweed in Cambridge

Contact Us

Do you need help getting rid of Japanese Knotweed in Tunstall? Give us a call on 0800 1337 444 for advice or to arrange for your site survey and management plan. Our friendly office team and PCA accredited surveyor will be happy to help.

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Japanese Knotweed Expert