japanese knotweed
& removal

Japanese Knotweed Excavation

Japanese knotweed excavation and removal usually occurs when there is not enough time to treat it with a systemic herbicide. Under these circumstances, excavation and removal is the ideal solution. Once the site has been excavated, it can be issued with a certificate confirming the site to be clear of Japanese knotweed.

commercial removal treatment
Excavation knotweed

Prevention of Cross-Site Contamination

When carrying out Excavation and Removal works on a site, Japanese Knotweed Expert take a number of steps to prevent any cross-site contamination. To do this, we ensure that vehicles and humans do not pass through the contaminated area including the root zone and that all vehicles are cleaned off before entering another part of the site.

Additional Steps

  1. Where possible, we designate a clean hard-standing road into and out of the site. If not possible, we use hard standing in the area where the trucks are going to be filled up with contaminated soil. We also wash the wheels of the trucks off before they leave the site. These measures are taken to prevent the Japanese knotweed from spreading.
  2. We cordon off the site so that only our trained team members can access the area. This helps to further prevent any cross-contamination. Our team members are also required to clean boots and tools before moving to other areas.
  3. We then remove the contaminated soil from the site. Any hard standing that has been laid where vehicles have been filled up is also removed from the site and wheels and tracks are then washed.
  4. All waste is taken to a licenced landfill site. Waste carrier notes are received from the driver and the licenced landfill site. This ensures that waste is disposed of correctly and within Hazardous Waste guidelines.
  5. Making the site safe is a high priority for us. We backfill the excavated area as soon as possible to prevent any accidents.
Japanese Knotweed Removal in Derby
Japanese Knotweed leaves

A large proportion of a Japanese knotweed plant is underground. We can dramatically reduce the amount of contaminated soil that is taken off-site by removing the underground stems, shoots and roots from the soil. Doing this reduces the cost of waste removal, and therefore makes the Japanese knotweed excavation and removal method as cost-effective as possible.

Report provided within 48 hours

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