, Author at Japanese Knotweed Expert - Japanese Knotweed Removal and Eradication - Page 2

Name Change! From Fallopia to Reynoutria

NAME CHANGE! FROM FALLOPIA TO REYNOUTRIA Firstly, using Latin names for plants can be very confusing and intimidating sometimes, however there is a good reason why we use them! Latin words for the genus or species offers descriptive terminology for the specific plant and it’s characteristics. Moreover the use of Latin plant names helps prevent any confusion caused by the […]

Will Japanese Knotweed Affect Your Property’s Value?

Will Japanese Knotweed Affect Your Property’s value? Japanese Knotweed (Reynoutria Japonica) is an extremely invasive weed, requiring a certain amount of time to get rid of. Whether you are buying, selling or an owner of a house, Japanese Knotweed is not an asset.  Will it Affect The Value of My Property? Is Japanese Knotweed Illegal?   Firstly it is not illegal […]

Ineffective Ways to Remove Japanese Knotweed

Ineffective Ways To Remove Japanese knotweed Japanese Knotweed is one of the UK’s most destructive weeds, being able to grow up to 10 cm every day. Getting rid of it can prove to be a challenge. Here are a couple of ways that will prove to be ineffective in the removal of Japanese Knotweed. Ineffective Treatment Methods… Single Herbicide Treatment […]

What Can Be Mistaken For Japanese Knotweed?

What can be mistaken for Japanese Knotweed? What can be mistaken for Japanese Knotweed? Japanese Knotweed has some very distinctive features, however a selection of other plants and weeds share similar elements. In the summer months, the Knotweed stem will be fully grown – which will be hollow with distinctive purple speckles. Additionally, the leaves will be large, green in […]

Japanese Knotweed Hotspots in the UK 2024

UK Japanese Knotweed Hotspots – 2024 Japanese Knotweed is a rapidly spreading plant due to its fast-growing roots. With its shoots starting to appear early spring, it can reach heights of several metres by the end of summer. It has been possible to identify Japanese knotweed throughout the entirety of the UK since its first identification in 1850, with its […]

Japanese Knotweed Hotspots in the UK 2022

Japanese Knotweed Hotspots in the UK – 2022 Japanese Knotweed is a rapidly spreading plant due to its fast-growing roots. With its shoots starting to appear early spring, it can reach heights of several metres by the end of summer. It has been possible to identify Japanese knotweed throughout the entirety of the UK since its first identification in 1850, […]

How does Japanese Knotweed Spread?

How does Japanese Knotweed Spread? Japanese knotweed does not spread via seed as it is often incorrectly conveyed on TikTok!  Although the plants produce seed, the seed is not viable in the UK. This is because all of the Japanese Knotweed plants in the UK are of one sex.  Therefore, Japanese Knotweed spread does not occur via seed. Then how […]

Japanese Knotweed Regrowth

Japanese Knotweed Regrowth Everything you need to know about Japanese Knotweed regrowth: We treat Japanese knotweed primarily with two chemicals, one is significantly stronger than what is available to the public and the other is not available to members of the public at all. So, when the Japanese knotweed starts to regrow after a whole season of treatments, clients are […]

What’s So Bad About Japanese Knotweed

What’s so bad about Japanese Knotweed? Japanese Knotweed is “indisputably the UK’s most aggressive, destructive and invasive plant” according to the Environment Agency. Read more to find out what’s so bad about Japanese knotweed…   The plant itself is not poisonous, nor does it contain any poisonous elements; is safe to touch and pick. However, it is very dangerous in […]

Our Guide to Selling and Buying with Japanese Knotweed

Japanese knotweed- A Selling and buying guide If your selling or buying a property with Japanese knotweed then this information guide is for you… Japanese Knotweed- What is it? Japanese Knotweed (Reynoutria Japonica) is an invasive weed that can cause damage to building structures by targeting weak points. This is why Japanese Knotweed is a real concern for home buyers and […]