Removal of Japanese Knotweed in Kent

Removal of japanese knotweed in kent Over the past few months, we have encountered several outbreaks of Japanese Knotweed, especially in Kent. Therefore the need for the removal of Japanese Knotweed in Kent has become more prominent. Japanese Knotweed is one of the world’s most invasive species. Its strong roots spread up to 7 metres in diameter, destroying anything that […]

Japanese Knotweed in Herefordshire

Japanese knotweed in herefordshire Japanese Knotweed in Herefordshire and throughout the UK, is an extremely invasive weed that when not treated can cause extreme structural damage. With the ability to extend 3m in depth, 7m laterally. It also has the capability of exposing weakness in hard structures such as tarmac, concrete, brick, building foundations and many other underground services, it […]

Japanese Knotweed Removal in Kingston upon Thames

Japanese knotweed removal in Kingston Upon Thames Kingston upon Thames council has admitted to Japanese Knotweed growth being on the increase in recent years.  Do you need help with Japanese Knotweed removal in Kingston upon Thames? Read on to see how we can help you… Japanese Knotweed Removal in Kingston Upon Thames Japanese Knotweed was initially brought into the UK as […]

Japanese Knotweed in Lambeth

Japanese knotweed in lambeth Buying or selling a house can be difficult but Japanese Knotweed in Lambeth, London, is affecting this even more. Buying a house in London is a struggle enough, never mind the looming problem of a Japanese Knotweed problem. Many people are discouraged from continuing with a house purchase, once they learn Japanese Knotweed is prevalent on […]

Japanese Knotweed Removal in Lancashire

Japanese Knotweed removal in lancashire Do you need Japanese Knotweed removal in Lancashire? Don’t make the mistake of just ignoring it! Even if you ignore it, it will grow and eventually either ruin your property, devalue your house or become a legal issue with neighbouring properties! Japanese Knotweed Removal In Lancashire If you let your Japanese Knotweed encroach on neighbouring […]

Removal of Japanese Knotweed in Havering

Removal Of Japanese Knotweed In Havering The best time to spot Japanese Knotweed is during mid-summer/early autumn. As the plant blooms in late summer with creamy white flowers, that are approximately 0.5cm wide – they also grow up to 10cm during this time. Therefore the removal of Japanese knotweed in Havering or anywhere in the UK is vitally important to […]

Japanese Knotweed Removal in Leicestershire

Japanese knotweed removal in LEICESTERSHIRE Japanese Knotweed is an invasive species of weed that is resistant to most common methods of control and can even damage structures if it grows too close. Japanese Knotweed removal in Leicestershire is a large problem Case Study – Removal of Japanese Knotweed in Leicestershire It has been reported that more than 325 sites in […]

Removal Of Japanese Knotweed in Lewisham

Removal Of Japanese Knotweed In Lewisham  Removal of Japanese Knotweed in Lewisham is a growing problem, and unlawful disposal could result in a fine and an ASBO – think the punishment is too harsh? Think again… Removal Of Japanese Knotweed in Lewisham Japanese Knotweed was initially introduced to the UK as an ornamental plant by the Victorians, due to its […]

Japanese Knotweed Removal in Lincolnshire

Japanese Knotweed Removal in Lincolnshire CONTACT NOW Do you require Japanese Knotweed removal in Lincolnshire? We can help! Japanese Knotweed can grow up to 2cms a day, thus rapidly spreading, causing more and more damage as it grows. By the time you have noticed the invasive weed, it could already be too late, its roots underground could have spread over […]

Removal of Japanese Knotweed in Merseyside

Japanese knotweed removal in Merseyside Removal of Japanese Knotweed in Merseyside is on the increase with this invasive weed becoming more prevalent. In fact, we were contacted by a construction consultancy company that had several sites infested with Japanese Knotweed. One of these sites was in Merseyside. Therefore, this company needed to have the removal of Japanese knotweed completed. Removal […]